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How Professionals Inspect Your Rooftop Anchors

When was the last time you had a rooftop anchor inspection? The fasteners on your roof create a safety system to avoid accidents on site.

Since this safety system keeps construction workers protected, you will want to make sure your building is in good condition at all times. Professional roofers will be able to check for any issues and complete tests to make sure your roof complies.

Analyze Current Layout

When professionals perform this specific inspection, they will determine if your current anchorage layout meets the correct requirements. If they notice certain areas are not up to code, they will adjust the current form accordingly. Your roof must comply. Fall protection is a very serious issue and can reduce the number of injuries workers may face.

Check For Damage

Professionals will check for cracks or deformations during your rooftop anchor inspection. If there appears to be any corrosion, the anchor may have lost strength and should be replaced. Professionals will survey if the fasteners need to be tightened or show signs of deterioration. They will check if the welds have damage or cracks as well.

Complete Load Testing

A structural inspection will also complete a load test to ensure the fastener can bear the required amount of weight. Manufactures require the load testing of the rooftop fasteners. Sometimes, load testing happens to be the best way to determine if the safety system is structurally sound.


It is vital to be mindful of rooftop safety systems for your roof so that you can avoid the injury of a worker. Your roof should undergo regular structural inspections to keep up with safety requirements and keep your site protected. To remain in compliance with organizations, regularly getting a rooftop anchor inspection will ensure your site is running smoothly.

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