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If you want to keep your home looking bright and beautiful, there are a number of on-going cleaning tasks you will want to put on the calendar. When you keep on top of your cleaning schedule, your home will look great and you’ll save time cleaning because you didn’t just let the dirt and dust build up for a long time.

Experts recommend that you clean the windows in your home, inside and out, at least twice a year. Sometimes windows may be beyond our reach, so it’s good to get some helpful tips about how to clean high windows. With this expert advice, and the right window cleaning tools and supplies, you will be on your way to window cleaning success.

Assemble the Supplies and Tools You Need

When it’s time to wash your windows, you can save a lot of time if you assemble all of the supplies you will need before you start the job. You’ll also want to gather the equipment and specialized tools you will be using.

Once you have cleaned the windows the first time, be sure to rinse off and store all of your equipment neatly so it will be ready when you need it next.

It’s Best to Clean Your Windows on a Cloudy Day

Another thing to consider before you begin your window washing tasks is the weather forecast for the day. It’s best to clean your windows on a cloudy day. Direct, strong sunlight can cause your window cleaning solution to dry very quickly, which can then leave spots or streaks on your window panes.

When you do your window washing on a cloudy day, you’ll be able to do the cleaning at a steady pace. This will give you the time to rinse and dry each window thoroughly. Working on calm days is preferred, and will help avoid accidents that could be triggered by windy conditions.

Spray Your Windows Down with the Hose

The first thing you want to do when washing your exterior windows is to spray them down with a hose that has an adjustable nozzle attached. Spraying both the windows, and the surrounding area, helps remove debris and dirt from the surface of the window.

With the adjustable nozzle, you’ll be able to adjust the pressure until it’s just right. Slightly stronger pressure will help get the grime and dirt off the windows, and out of any hard-to-reach areas.

Soak the Brush or Sponge in Your Window Cleaning Solution

Your bucket should be filled with fairly hot water. Most professional window cleaners create a solution by adding several drops of a liquid detergent like Dawn to the bucket of water. The dish soap can help effectively remove the grime and dirt, while at the same time being gentle on the glass.

After you add your cleaning solution to the water in the bucket, stir it well. Then put your sponge or brush in the solution and let it soak for several seconds. When the sponge or brush is saturated, wring out any excess water.

Scrubbing Your Windows

Once your sponge or brush is saturated, you can begin scrubbing your windows. The best approach is to scrub the windows by starting at the top and moving downward. This helps keep dirty water from dripping down onto areas of the window you have just cleaned.

Pay particular attention to any areas on the window that have stubborn dirt or a build up of grime. As you wash, be sure to rinse your sponge or brush frequently in your soapy water so that it will always be clean.


After you have scrubbed an outside window, you have to rinse it off thoroughly. For outdoor windows, you can use a hose to rinse them and make sure that any traces of dirt or soap are gone. Make sure to rinse off all areas of your window, including the edges and corners.

Once the window has been rinsed, check to make sure there are not any spots or streaks that need attention. Spot cleaning, followed by another rinse, will take care of these issues if they arise.


When you have finished washing and rinsing your window, you will need to dry them. The best way to do this is to use the same tool professionals use, a squeegee. Using pressure that is firm but gentle. The blade of the squeegee should be wiped down with every pass.

Start the squeegee at upper edge of the window, and pull it straight down in a top to bottom motion. Experts using a fanning technique when using their squeegee, but its easier for occasional window washers to use the top to bottom approach.

How to Clean Outside Windows You Can’t Reach

Often, windows in a home can be above ground level and hard to reach. This is certainly true for multi-level dwellings, and even one story homes may have speciality or designer windows that can be hard to easily access.

You’ll want to carefully assess the height of the window, and decide if you would need a ladder or could use an extension pole to reach the window instead. If you are using a ladder, be absolutely sure it’s secure and stable before climbing up to reach the window. Extension poles should be fully extended and secured prior to using them.

How to Clean Unreachable Windows Inside

Although you could use a ladder to get to those hard to reach windows inside, climbing and balancing on a ladder while window washing can be risky. It may also be hard to get just the right angle on the glass while on the ladder, and you would have to be ever so careful to maintain your balance.

One excellent solution for cleaning those interior windows that are high above is to use a telescoping rod with a mop attachment on the end of the rod. This lets you clean that hard to reach window, without ever needing to leave the ground.

Consider Using an Extendable Squeegee

If you are faced with windows that are well above your reach, you might consider getting an extendable squeegee. Like a telescoping mop, these squeegees also utilize a telescopic pole. Because it is adjustable, it can be used for surfaces that are readily accessible and also for hard to reach windows.

When you have to clean interior or exterior windows that are well above ground floor height or are hard to reach, you just extend the handle to the proper length. Some of these can even safely reach second floor windows from the ground below. Look for an extendable squeegee that has a strong, durable arm so you can apply pressure as needed to remove any window grime.

Drying with a Covered Broom or Extendable Window Scrubber

When it’s time to dry windows that are high above, you’ll need to improvise or go with washing kit that offers microfiber window scrubber that can swapped out on your extendable squeegee pole.

If the window is not too far above, you could use a choice like a broom to extend your reach. Covering the broom with a microfiber cloth can give you the extra reach and help get the job done.

The Best Way to Clean Sliding Windows

Windows that slide horizontally can represent a cleaning challenge. The best approach is to take the window completely out of the frame, then clean it and put it back in. First, check for any screws that are in the upper track or security devices that would prevent the window from being removed. Remove these if present.

If there is a rubber piece on the top track, it will also need to be removed. Unlock the window, and then slide it open most of the way. Then push the upper part of the window into the top track, lift the window out of the lower track and pull toward you. After you clean the window, reverse the process and reinstall the sliding window.

How to Clean Outside Windows from Inside

With the help of an inventive device called a magnetic window cleaner, it is possible to safely and quickly remove debris, dirt and grime from both the inside and outside of your windows. This plastic tool has two magnetic elements that stick together on both sides of the window.

The inside part has a handle so you can guide the cleaning tool, and the outside section has a safety string to keep it secure from falling. Dip both parts in your cleaning solution, one at a time. When you clamp the two sections together using the magnets, you’ll be able to use the handle on the inside element and clean both sides of the glass. Be careful not to move too fast, since you don’t want to lose the magnetic connection.

Types of Materials to Avoid When You Are Cleaning Windows

When you are cleaning windows, there are certain materials that you will want to avoid. If you use paper towels they can leave unsightly debris on your windows due to the paper towels disintegrating.

Regular, everyday towels and fabrics that are not truly microfiber can leave your freshly-washed windows coated with lint. Microfiber is preferred if you want the best results.

With the right tools and window washing supplies, it’s possible to wash the interior and exterior windows of your home. For harder to reach windows, extendable or telescoping poles with the right attachment offer a handy solution. While this is a job you could tackle on your own, with our busy schedules it’s often hard to find the time to wash your windows. If you want to save time and still enjoy the beauty of sparkling windows, you could hire a professional window cleaning company. For a free estimate, call us today at (773) 227-4522 or email

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