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When the summer starts to cool off and the season changes, we all look forward to spending time outside and watching the leaves change color!

One of the easiest ways to enjoy the autumn views is through perfectly clear windows. We put together some of the best ways that you can deep clean your windows and get the most out of the fall season.

Supplies Needed

To get started on fall window cleaning, helpful tools to have are the following:

  • Microfiber cloth
  • Soft bristle brush
  • Sponge
  • Dust cloth
  • Water
  • Residue-free glass cleaner

How to Get Spotless Windows

1. Check for Leaks

We recommend you start by looking for leaks around your frames. Leaks or breaks in the seals could mean disaster for your winter heating bills. It also could cause the glass to develop buildup faster. Sealing these up right away is the most important thing.

2. Clean the Surrounding Surfaces

Use a dusting cloth to remove any buildup from the blinds. You can also use it to remove dust from the ledges, sills, and even the tracks for sliding the panes open.

The tracks on sliding windows can experience a severe buildup of grease, dirt, mildew, and more. Make sure to give these areas plenty of attention and scrubbing.

3. Remove and Wipe Screens

Take care to remove the screens that may or may not be connected to your windows. Removing the screens makes it easier to get rid of spider webs, cobwebs, gunk, and even mold.

4. Wipe the Glass

Use residue-free glass cleaner and apply it straight to the glass. Wipe the glass with a microfiber cloth to remove stains, streaks, watermarks, and more. When the glass appears clear, and no cleaner remains on the glass, you’re good to go.

Consider Fall Window Cleaning for Your Space

Keeping your windows clean is important for maintaining your home, reducing allergens, and enjoying the beauty of fall. Follow the steps above to ensure spotless windows at least once per year.

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